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A fresh breath, empowered beauty: Achieve the nose of your dreams with Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure to correct defects in the nasal skeleton and soft tissues of the nose. With this procedure, the size of the nose can be changed, its curvatures can be corrected, the nostrils can be narrowed, the angle between the base of the nose and the upper lip can be improved, the tip of the nose can be lifted and reshaped, if necessary, the structural defects that prevent the breathing function of your nose are corrected and the airways are opened.
How Can I Make An Appoinment
You can make an appointment by phone, WhatsApp or by filling out and sending the registration form.
Operation Proceses
First of all, you meet with your doctor face to face and get examined.
As a result of the inspection and related tests, the most appropriate method for the procedure to be applied is determined.
The operations are performed in the hospital environment and under general anesthesia. Then your doctor informs you about the postoperative period and discharges you.
Operation Time: 1-3 hours
Hospitalization: 1 day
Sensitivity: 3-4 days
Return to Working Life: 3-7 days
The lower age limit for rhinoplasty is 17 for women and 18 for men. There is no upper age limit. If a severe nasal obstruction is observed in children and this condition impairs their development, surgical intervention can be performed at an early age.